Carney, Roy and Gerrol, P.C.
Eastern Standard Time - GMT-05:00
Current Local Time: Thu, 12 Dec, 2024 12:26PM
Carney, Roy and Gerrol, P.C.
Carney, Roy and Gerrol, P.C. is committed to your success. We make it our business to know your business well enough to improve your tax position, capital position, business structure and benefits packages, acquisition potential, and much more. We earn our fees by adding value to your company and to your asset base. Our firm was founded by Roger Carney who began his public accounting career in 1970 at an internationl firm. Through mergers with Thomas Roy and Gregory Gerrol, we have dramatically expanded our services. We are able to bring our combined years of experience at international and regional accounting firms to bear on cost effective and efficient services for closely held businesses. Our clients and our firm have benefited from a history of long-term client relationships. We look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate how our services can improve your financial picture.
- Bookkeeping services
- Audit - Private companies
- Family businesses
- Estate and succession planning
- Corporate tax planning
- Personal tax planning
- Corporate tax compliance
- Personal tax compliance
- Transfer pricing
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Condominium consulting and audit
- Construction
- Housing & urban development
- Insurance companies
- Manufacturing
- Medical practices
- Not-for-profit organizations
- Real estate