Christopher Klug


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Current Local Time: Thu, 10 Oct, 2024 06:28AM

Christopher Klug

  • Washington, DC


Chris serves clients with domestic and international taxation, tax controversy, corporate/business planning, mergers and acquisitions, cross-border transactions, and domestic and international estate planning.  Chris has extensive experience working with companies with domestic and international income tax planning. This work includes inbound and outbound mergers and acquisitions and other transactional tax matters. As a former tax professor, Chris has a strong background in subchapter C and S corporate taxation and partnership taxation and uses this knowledge to develop tax strategies for clients. Chris represents companies, private equity funds, hedge funds, joint ventures, real estate funds, and family offices.

Contact Information

Office Phone

Work Phone: +1 202 590-0457 Work Phone: +1 202 980-4788

Office Fax

Work Fax: +1 202 217-4450

Work Email

Office Address

2000 K Street NW, Suite 525 Washington, DC 20006